Bouncer: security guard, normally at a bar or night club (segurança de bar, boate etc.; “leão de chácara”)
The Smiths hired a bouncer to make sure gatecrashers were kept outside.
Os Smiths contrataram um leão de chácara para ter certeza de que os bicões ficariam do lado de fora.
“Don’t mess with the bouncers. They will kick your ass!” Joe told Mike.
“Não arrume encrenca com os leões de chácara. Eles te dão uma surra!”, Joe disse para Mike.
Now also available as an ebook!
José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:
LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book / Available on UICLAP as well
600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)
Fluent Business English (with Robert C. Young)
English for Job Interviews (with Robert C. Young)
Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!
American Idioms! (with Joe Bailey Noble III)