14 de março de 2025

Fale tudo em ingles

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Festas Juninas

Cool tip 16: Festas Juninas

Festas Juninas (June parties) are very popular parties all over Brazil. They celebrate Santo Antônio (St. Anthony) on June 13, São João (St. John) on June 24, and São Pedro (St. Peter) on June 29. These traditional Brazilian parties are usually held outdoors, in an area decorated with colored flags. Some typical dishes and drinks at these parties are canjica (sweet dish made of boiled corn, sugar and coconut milk ), pé de moleque (peanut brittle), paçoca (candy made of ground peanuts and sugar), maria-mole (spongy sweet made of egg whites, sugar and coconut), quentão (hot punch made from sugarcane liquor, ginger, cinnamon and sugar) and vinho quente (mulled wine). These parties also feature a traditional dance called quadrilha (square dance).

Referência: “Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!” – José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book 

Available on Amazon (e-book) and UICLAP (print book)


Let's Talk About It!: The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book (English Edition) por [Jose Roberto A. Igreja]

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Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!

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