9 de março de 2025

Fale tudo em ingles

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Churrasco – Brazilian Steakhouses

Vai receber gringos em visita ao Brasil? Não deixe de levá-los a uma boa churrascaria, eles costumam adorar e sair impressionados com a farta variedade de carnes, saladas e legumes oferecidos. E é claro, não deixe também de apresentá-los à caipirinha! Confira o post abaixo que pode ajudá-lo a se preparar para esta missão. 









Cool tip 10: Brazilian steakhouses 
Churrascarias are very popular restaurants in Brazil and they can
be found virtually everywhere in the country. In most of them
you pay a fixed price and food is served on an all-you-can-eat
basis, with a salad buffet offering a wide choice of salads and
vegetables (which is just perfect in case you happen to be a
vegetarian!) and the waiters coming round to your table with
the skewers to offer you different kinds of meat cuts.
(This serving style is called rodízio, or especially in
the south of Brazil, espeto corrido.)

Check out some typical cuts the waiters will bring to your table:
Alcatra (top sirloin)
Fraldinha (flank steak)
Linguiça (Brazilian sausage)
Picanha (rump steak, an all-time favorite cut in Brazil!)
Coxa de frango (chicken thigh)
Coraçãozinho de frango (chicken heart)
Lombo (pork loin)
Queijo coalho (salty lightweight cheese eaten off a stick, very
popular in Brazil)
Here’s how you can tell the waiter how you’d like your meat:
Malpassado (rare)
Ao ponto (medium)
Bem-passado (well-done)
Most Brazilians love churrasco (barbecued meat) and, besides
going to churrascarias, they also make churrasco at home themselves.
You will find that most residential buildings in Brazil have
a facility for this purpose, a barbecue area with a grill for preparing
churrasco, usually on the ground floor.

Referência: “Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!” – José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book 

Available on Amazon (e-book) and UICLAP (print book)


Let's Talk About It!: The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book (English Edition) por [Jose Roberto A. Igreja]

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Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!

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