13 de março de 2025

Fale tudo em ingles

Blog que ajuda a melhora seu inglês!

Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese! – The book

Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese! is a practical and useful guide that will help you communicate during your business or leisure trip to Brazil. The contents of this guide were carefully selected and planned bearing in mind the communication needs of the English-speaking traveler and include:

  • Checking in at the airport and going through customs
  • On the plane: usual crew and passenger phrases
  • Transport: getting a cab; renting a car; at the gas station
  • Accommodation & Facilities
  • Food and beverage
  • Tourist attractions & Leisure and entertainment
  • Going shopping
  • Phone calls
  • Health & Emergencies

Useful questions and phrases

Whether at the hotel, a store or in a restaurant, checking in at the airport or renting a car, you can rely on all the usual questions and phrases listed in this guide. You will also be able to listen and practice these useful phrases and questions with the CD included in the book.

Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese! also presents dialogues that portray typical situations for the traveler in Brazil. Some of these dialogues include:

  • Checking in at the airport
  • Renting a car
  • Asking for directions
  • Looking for a place to eat
  • What places should we visit?
  • At the shoe store

Vocabulary & Expressions in Use

This section presents usual words and expressions in context: an effective way of learning, reviewing and consolidating the useful expressions that will make your communication easier during your stay in Brazil. These words and expressions have been grouped in categories such as: at the airport; traveling by car; going shopping; leisure and entertainment; etc.

Cool tips

Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese! also features invaluable cultural tips for those who travel to Brazil, such as:

  • Usual traffic signs in Brazil
  • Celsius temperature scale (used in Brazil) and its equivalence to Fahrenheit temperature scale
  • Currency: bills and coins used in Brazil
  • Menus: typical Brazilian dishes and drinks
  • Popular Brazilian festivals and parties, such as Carnaval and Festas Juninas

Theme glossaries

In order to guarantee effective communication in each particular situation you can also count on the theme glossaries inserted throughout the book. Some of the topics include: food and beverage; leisure and entertainment; stores and services and emergencies.

English-Portuguese and Portuguese-English glossary

Besides the theme glossaries that deal with specific situations, you will also find at the back of the book a general glossary. You will be able to look up words in both Portuguese and English.

Audio CD: Useful phrases and situational dialogues

The audio CD that accompanies the book is an invaluable tool that will enable you to practice and improve your listening comprehension of useful phrases and dialogues. Listening to the CD is also a great way of preparing previously for the situations you are likely to experience during your visit to Brazil.

Tenha uma boa estadia! (Have a nice stay!)

Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese! by José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora.

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book 

Available on Amazon (e-book) and UICLAP (print book)


Let's Talk About It!: The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book (English Edition) por [Jose Roberto A. Igreja]

600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)

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English for Job Interviews (with Robert C. Young)

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Inglês de Rua – American Slang (with Robert C. Young) – Now also available as an ebook!

Guia Prático para a comunicação em Inglês

False Friends

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Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!

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