Break even = have no profit or loss (não ter lucro nem prejuízo; atingir...
O substantivo hazard significa “risco ou perigo”. A forma adjetiva hazardous significa “arriscado ou...
to dislike someone very much; to hate someone (odiar alguém) “Why don’t we invite...
Assim como em português, o termo punching bag (saco de pancada), equipamento usado para...
Click here to listen to the dialogue “You´d better go on a diet!” Now...
At the airport: Vocabulary & Expressions (1) Alfândega: customs We need to go through...
Cool tip 13: Feijoada – Brazil’s national dish ...
Faixa de pedestres – Crosswalk Make sure you use the crosswalk to get...
Get a kick out of to enjoy something greatly (gostar muito de algo; achar...
Eager beaver = a person who is hardworking and enthusiastic (pessoa entusiasmada e esforçada)...