to save; to cut expenses (cortar despesas; economizar; “apertar o cinto”) After losing his...
Click here to listen to the dialogue “Breaking the ice” Now check below some...
The U.S. or the U.S. government (os Estados Unidos ou o governo americano) “It...
Seasonal work: trabalho sazonal Mark plans to do some seasonal work in the summer...
No excuses (sem desculpas) The teacher told the class, “I want no ifs, ands...
Ele é a cara do pai! – He´s the spitting image of his father!...
expression of surprise or shock (“puta merda!”; “puta que pariu!”) “Holy shit! There’s crap...
Cool tip 14: Caipirinha: Brazil’s national cocktail ...
by José Roberto A. Igreja As qualified and resourceful English teachers it is our...
Azia – Heartburn Fred always has terrible heartburn whenever he overeats. Fred sempre tem...