the most important person in a company; the boss (“chefão”; “mandachuva”) “You’ll have to...
Piloto de corrida – Race car driver Para dizer “piloto de corrida”, independentemente da...
to come to an end, to not have any left, e.g. gasoline, time, patience,...
Ficar em cima do muro – Sit on the fence You’ll have to...
Easier said than done simple to suggest, but difficult to accomplish (“Falar é fácil,...
O adjetivo ultimate significa “definitivo”; “supremo”, “final”, “a última palavra” em algum assunto. Veja...
very bad; of poor quality; unpleasant (muito ruim; péssimo; desagradável) “That was a lousy...
to reply rudely or impolitely, esp. of children towards adults (retrucar, responder mal) “If...
Call it a day Call it a day = declare an end to the...
Andar descalço – Walk barefoot Rita finds walking barefoot on the grass relaxing....