Desembucha! / Fala logo! – Shoot! Don’t just stand there. If you have something...
O substantivo tenant é empregado para referir-se a “pessoa que aluga casa ou apartamento...
Click here to listen to the dialogue “A birthday party” Party time! – Hora...
used to show that you are surprised or impressed by something (“uau!”; “nossa!”)...
by José Roberto A. Igreja The role of a language teacher is no doubt...
Caixa eletrônico de banco – ATM (Automated Teller Machine) I’ve run out of cash....
In the pipeline In the pipeline = being planned; in the process of being...
Food for thought something that makes you think seriously (algo que faz pensar com...
the most important person in a company; the boss (“chefão”; “mandachuva”) “You’ll have to...
Piloto de corrida – Race car driver Para dizer “piloto de corrida”, independentemente da...