Here´s an engaging listening activity meant for C1/C2 level students. This dialogue is called...
Click the link below to listen to the dialogue “Let´s give him the red...
to not walk on something, esp. grass, etc. (não pisar em grama, etc.; manter...
Inauguration O substantivo inauguration pode, em contextos formais, ser traduzido por inauguração. Mas você...
The ball is in your court: it’s your turn to decide or do something...
Do the trick = to provide what is necessary to get a good result...
Speed up to move or act more quickly; to accelerate (acelerar, ir mais rápido)...
Shoot straight: be direct; talk honestly (ir direto ao assunto com alguém; falar honestamente)...
Perks: Benefícios (informal, “mordomia”) “The salary is not that good, but the perks are...
Be in someone else´s shoes = to experience someone’s life (estar no lugar de...