9 de março de 2025

Fale tudo em ingles

Blog que ajuda a melhora seu inglês!

What if you had a book …?

What if you had a book you could fall back on for structured conversation classes? A book that would help your students recycle crucial vocabulary in a dynamic and interactive way? And that would consistently help them become more fluent and express themselves more clearly?

This book now exists and it saves ELT teachers many hours of class preparation time!

LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book.
A practical book designed to enhance ESL/EFL students´ vocabulary and build their fluency. For online & in-person classes

  • 100+ hot topics to talk about: 558 discussion & conversation questions
  • A good variety of activities to help students recycle and consolidate vocabulary
  • Up-to-date and engaging dialogues in American English – Free audio available via QR CODE (print book & e-book)
  • Helps students expand their vocabulary, hone their conversational skills and improve their fluency
  • Detailed  teacher´s guidelines on how to use the book + Key to Exercises
  • A must-have for ESL/EFL teachers and students around the world!

CHECK OUT 3 SAMPLE UNITS (with audio!) on your country´s Amazon store below. If you live in Brazil the paperback (240 pages) is available on UICLAP.


José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)

Talking Business

How do you say … in English?

Fluent Business English (with Robert C. Young)

What to say when …?

False Friends

English for Job Interviews (with Robert C. Young)

American Idioms! (with Joe Bailey Noble III)

Fale Tudo em Inglês!

Fale Tudo em Inglês – LIVRO DE ATIVIDADES

Fale Tudo em Inglês AVANÇADO

Fale Tudo em Inglês em VIAGENS!

Fale Tudo em Inglês nos NEGÓCIOS!


Inglês Fluente em 30 Lições

Inglês de Rua – American Slang (with Robert C. Young) – Now also available as an ebook!

Como se diz em inglês?  –  Now also available as an ebook!

Guia Prático para a comunicação em Inglês

Fale Inglês como um Americano (with Robert C. Young)

Say it all in Brazilian Portuguese!