31 de março de 2025

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Online advertising – They seem to be interested in our online campaigns

Click on the link to listen to the dialogue “Online advertising – They seem to be interested in our online campaigns” and then do the activities below.


Dialogue comprehension – True, False or I don´t know?

  1. Brian is attending a conference call in his office right now. True ___ False ___ I don´t know ___
  2. Jeff had a very good first contact with their prospective client. True ___ False ___ I don´t know _
  3. Barbara thinks Brian is not a very creative person. True ___ False ___ I don´t know ___
  4. Jeff needs to leave the office earlier today. True ___ False ___ I don´t know ___

Words & Expressions – Find words or expressions in the dialogue that mean the same as:

  1. Large outdoor signboard: _______________________________
  2. Natural or acquired proficiency in a particular activity; ability; skill: _____________
  3. Rough estimate or figure: __________________________
  4. Harmonious relationship: __________________________
  5. A short section between TV programs used for advertising: __________________
  6. Potential customer: _______________________________
  7. The amount of money a company has available to spend on advertising: ________
  8. Have a good chance: ______________________________
  9. Clever and original idea; invention; plan: ______________________________
  10. Show the best qualities of something: ____________________________
  11. Have to: __________________________
  12. Websites that enable people to share content and engage in social networking: ___
  13. Think of a plan, idea or solution: _____________________________
  14. Discover: __________________
  15. As far as I know: _______________

Match the words and expressions below to the definitions.

BILLBOARD         GIMMICK          WINNER           LAUNCH


a. The hours when television audiences are largest. _______
b. Interest or attract someone . _______
c. Very clever; innovative. _______
d. The percentage of sales of a particular product held by a company. _______
e. Large outdoor signboard. _______
f. A marketing trick used to attract people´s attention and interest. _______
g. An event to introduce a new product. _______
h. Something very popular or successful. _______

 Use the business vocabulary and expressions in the box to fill in the gaps in the sentences below

     MARKET SHARE          INGENIOUS        APPEAL        PRIME TIME               

      WINNER             LAUNCH            BILLBOARD            GIMMICK                        

  1. “Have they already set a date for the official ___________ of their new product?”, Gary asked Jim.
  2. “That was a clever publicity _______________. Do you know who came up with that idea?”, Brian asked a colleague.
  3. “The advertising campaign will include TV spots and _________________.”, said Donovan at the meeting.
  4. “I´m sure this new toy will be a ____________. There´s nothing like it in the market.”, Mike told George.
  5. “They expect to increase their _______________ by at least 15% with their new product.”, said Henry to a coworker.
  6. “I think our new gadget will _____________ to both adults and the young crowd.”, said Mark.
  7. “Will the commercial be broadcast during _____________?”, Roger asked Norman.
  8. “Jeff came up with an ______________ idea for the marketing campaign.”, Larry told Neil.

 Listen & Write & Answer – Write the questions you listen to and then choose the right answer.

  1. _________________________________________________?

a) I don´t know who is the official sponsor.
b) Yeah, they´ve sponsored two events in the past few months.
c) They might do that.
d) I wish they would do that.

  1. _________________________________________________?

a) It´ll be great to share our experience with them.
b) I wish I had a nine-to-five schedule like most of my friends.
c) Not that I know of.
d) My 10 am meeting has just been called off.

  1. _________________________________________________?

a) It shouldn´t take that long.
b) Sure, I´ll do that later.
c) I think so.
d) I think it looks great and modern. I really like it. 

  1. _________________________________________________?

a) Uh, I really think so. We´ve actually been getting good results.
b) No, that´s not my favorite social media website.
c) It might be a good idea.
d) They have a huge advertising budget.

Dialogue Script: Online advertising – They seem to be interested in our online campaigns 

Barbara: Hey Jeff, I´m curious. How was the meeting with that new prospect this morning?
Jeff: It was pretty good! I got the feeling that they´re really interested in our creative online campaigns.
Barbara: Really? That´s good news. So, would you say we stand a fair chance of getting a contract with them?
Jeff: I really think so. I felt like we could establish very good rapport with them and they want to schedule another meeting so we can showcase some recent campaigns we´ve done for our clients.
Barbara: Sounds great! I´m sure they´ll be impressed with our ability to come up with innovative content for our campaigns. Any idea of how big their advertising budget is?
Jeff: They haven´t given me a ballpark figure yet, but I guess I´ll find out more about it next time I meet them. For all I know they´ve invested heavily in billboards and TV spots before. They seem to be interested in advertising in social media now.
Barbara: Great! I´m sure they know online advertising is our expertise.
Jeff: Yeah, I´m looking forward to our next meeting. By the way, have you seen Brian around?
Barbara: Yep, I talked to him briefly earlier today, but he´s not in right now. He had a meeting with one of our current clients.
Jeff: Any idea when he should be back to the company?
Barbara: Uh, I think in the afternoon. Why?
Jeff: He said he wanted to talk to all of us about his new brainchild.
Barbara: Really? Brian is always full of bright ideas, I wonder what he´s come up with this time.
Jeff: That´s right! I guess we´ll find out later today. Ok Barbara, I gotta get back to my office and check my e-mail. Let me know when Brian is back.
Barbara: Sure Jeff, I will!

Talking Business – José Roberto A. Igreja / Disal Editora

José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:

600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)

How do you say … in English?

Fluent Business English (with Robert C. Young)

What to say when …?

Fale Tudo em Inglês AVANÇADO

English for Job Interviews (with Robert C. Young)

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Fale Tudo em Inglês – LIVRO DE ATIVIDADES

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Fale Tudo em Inglês nos NEGÓCIOS!


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Inglês de Rua – American Slang (with Robert C. Young) – Now also available as an ebook!

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