22 de fevereiro de 2025

Fale tudo em ingles

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Sell out


to sell everything, to have nothing left for sale (vender tudo, “esgotar”, p.ex. ingressos)

“Tickets for the playoff game between the New York Knicks and the Chicago Bulls tonight sold out in just three hours!”, Jay told Mick.
“Os ingressos para a jogo decisivo entre o New York Knicks e o Chicago Bulls hoje à noite se esgotaram em apenas três horas!”, Jay disse a Mick.

The clerk at the men’s shop told Henry they had sold out of pants in his size but that they would receive some more soon.
O atendente da loja de roupas masculinas disse a Henry que tinham vendido todas as calças no tamanho dele, mas que iriam receber mais logo.


Referência: “600 Phrasal Verbs” – Jonathan T. Hogan e José Roberto A. Igreja, Disal Editora

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