I – Click the link below to listen to the dialogue “A more balanced diet” and then do the activities that follow.
II – Dialogue comprehension–True, False or I don´t know?
- Bart´s new diet includes seafood and muffins. True _____ False _____ I don´t know _____
- Bart used to be fatter. True _____ False _____ I don´t know _____
- Nick hates doing physical exercise. True _____ False _____ I don´t know _____
- Nick doesn´t seem interested in Bart´s new diet. True _____ False _____ I don´t know _____
III – Combine the two columns below to find out the meaning of words and expressions in the dialogue.
- What´s up? _____ a. Vegetables
- Hang out _____ b. Someone or something that you love very much
- Pump iron_____ c. Well nourished
- Shed a few pounds____ d. Get rid of something; let go
- And stuff_____ e. Lift weights for exercise
- Well-fed _____ f. A useful piece of information, especially about how to do something
- Veggies_____ g. For the benefit of; for someone´s advantage
- Intake _____ h. Lose weight
- Beloved_____ i. Spend time in a particular place
- Cut loose _____ j. What´s going on?
- For the sake of _____ k. And things like that
- Tip _____ l. An amount of something that you eat or drink
IV – DIALOGUE SCRIPT – A more balanced diet
Bart: Hey, Nick, what´s up, man? What´re you doing hanging out here?
Nick: Hi, Bart, I´m just waiting for Betsy. She should be back from her yoga class anytime now. Hey, you look like you´re in great shape. Have you been pumping iron or something? You´ve also shed a few pounds, haven´t you?
Bart: Oh yeah, I´m way thinner than I used to be. I got into a new fitness program at the gym and I´ve also started a more balanced diet.
Nick: A more balanced diet? You mean you´ve been avoiding fattening food like burgers, fries and stuff?
Bart: Yep! I´m not only avoiding certain foods. I´ve also cut down on the amount of food I used to eat. On average I´m eating thirty per cent less than I used to.
Nick: No kidding? Don´t you feel weak? I mean, a guy who works out regularly at the gym like yourself should always keep well-fed, right?
Bart: The thing is you´ve got to eat right! My new diet includes fish, salmon and lots of veggies and fruits.
Nick: You mean to say you don´t eat things like pasta and bread anymore? For all I know carbohydrates are essential to our body. Where do you get them from?
Bart: Oh, don´t worry! I still get my regular intake of carbohydrates all right. Only I´ve now changed to whole-wheat pasta and bread.
Nick: Really? Does it taste good at all?
Bart: Uh, it takes a little while to get used to the taste of whole-wheat foods, you know, but the benefits you get from eating them are great.
Nick: I see. I just remembered something. What about your beloved doughnuts and muffins from the local café? You had to cut loose from those as well?
Bart: That´s right! I just had to kiss them goodbye my friend! For the sake of my health, and I have to tell you, Nick, I feel much better now!
Nick: Wow, Bart! You´ve just about talked me into starting a new diet myself.
Bart: (laughing) I didn´t mean to do that, but yeah, you could definitely benefit from a more balanced diet. I can assure you of that.
Nick: All right! I think I´ll need some more tips.
Bart: Sure, Nick, I´ll be glad to help.
Source: FALE TUDO EM INGLÊS AVANÇADO – Author: José Roberto A. Igreja / Disal Editora
José Roberto A. Igreja is the author and co-author of several ELT books, including:
LET´S TALK ABOUT IT! – The Ultimate ELT Conversation Book / Available on UICLAP as well
Fluent Business English (with Robert C. Young)
English for Job Interviews (with Robert C. Young)
American Idioms! (with Joe Bailey Noble III)
Fale Tudo em Inglês nos Negócios
Fale Tudo em Inglês nos Negócios – Livro de Atividades
Inglês de Rua – AMERICAN SLANG (with Robert C. Young) – Now also available as an e-book!
600 Phrasal Verbs (with Jonathan T. Hogan)
Como se diz em inglês? – Now also available as an e-book!