The ball is in your court: it’s your turn to decide or do something...
Shoot straight: be direct; talk honestly (ir direto ao assunto com alguém; falar honestamente)...
Rocks!: used for saying that someone or something is extremely good (muito bom; ótimo)...
Shades = sunglasses (óculos escuros; óculos de sol) “Did I leave my shades...
Congrats = congratulations (parabéns) “Hey Bill, I heard you passed the exam. That’s great...
Pig out: eat too much; overeat (comer demais; “empanturrar-se”) “I used to pig out...
a situation or problem that is very easy to deal with or solve; something...
a way to congratulate someone by slapping one’s upright palm together with another...
do the calculation; figure something out; come to a conclusion (fazer a conta;...
flatulate; fart (peidar; “soltar um pum”; “soltar uma bufa”) “Who cut the cheese?!...