get out of control (sair fora de controle) “Things got out of hand when...
Idioms = Idiomatic Expressions
to start to understand how things are connected; to start to happen in the...
to think of something (passar pela cabeça) “Moving to another state never really crossed...
very rarely; hardly ever (muito raramente; quase nunca) Harry rarely visits his in-laws as...
to join or to take a popular position or side (fazer o que todo...
to treat someone in a special way (tratar alguém de forma especial; “estender o...
to change from one owner to another (mudar de dono) “That shop on Capitol...
to become fully involved in an activity and start to understand how it works...
to be born to a rich family (“nascer em berço de ouro”) Sam is...
to experience criticism or punishment for something you have done (passar por situação desagradável...