to make or become calm (acalmar alguém, acalmar-se) We had to calm Jeniffer down...
Phrasal verbs
to come to an end, to not have any left, e.g. gasoline, time, patience,...
to reply rudely or impolitely, esp. of children towards adults (retrucar, responder mal) “If...
to delay deciding about something until the next day or later (“sleep on it”)...
to take a vehicle away from a place with a tow-truck (guinchar; rebocar) Gregory´s...
to stop talking; to be quiet; to make less noise (parar de falar; ficar...
to be lucky; to have luck in a situation (ter sorte; “dar sorte”) “Wow,...
to give, esp. a car, as a partial payment when buying a newer one...
to break into a computer system (invadir uma rede de computadores) “Did you hear...