Pau-para-toda-obra – Jack of all trades É importante destacar que, na íntegra, a expressão...
How do you say in English?
Tecnologia de ponta – State-of-the-art technology State-of-the-art technology in computers is available to anyone...
Ele é a cara do pai! – He´s the spitting image of his father!...
Azia – Heartburn Fred always has terrible heartburn whenever he overeats. Fred sempre tem...
Amamentar – Breastfeed Doctors say that children who were breastfed are usually healthier. Os...
Agiota – Loan Shark You’d be a fool if you borrowed money from a...
Coriza / nariz escorrendo – Runny nose Peter always gets a little cranky when...
CEP (código de endereçamento postal) O equivalente a CEP nos Estados Unidos é ZIP...
Rua sem saída – Dead-end street “Don’t turn left here. That’s a dead-end...
Brincar de esconde-esconde – Play hide and seek Josh used to enjoy playing...