This post goes out to my fellow Brazilian teachers of English, as well as...
Idioms play a crucial role in language learning. Our students may feel comfortable with...
Dear fellow English teachers, How often do you try to step out of your...
A expressão MAYDAY é usada internacionalmente em radiotelefonia para indicar pedido de socorro, em...
KEY IDIOMS USED IN THE CORPORATE WORLD (Meaning & Example Sentences) A língua inglesa...
Bater o telefone na cara de alguém – Hang up on someone Sandy...
I – Click the link below to listen to the dialogue “Nothing like a...
Palavra internacional, usual e versátil. Empregada para confirmar, aprovar ou concordar com alguém. Há...
BAIL OUT – Check out 3 important meanings for this Phrasal Verb! 1. to...
Dear fellow Business English teachers, Here´s a list of 10 engaging Business English Lesson...