FALE INGLÊS COMO UM AMERICANO – Everyday Dialogues Expressões coloquiais, Phrasal Verbs e Gírias...
Usar aparelho nos dentes When Sally was a teenager she had to wear braces...
Black out to become unconscious suddenly; to pass out (perder a consciência de repente;...
Pig out: eat too much; overeat (comer demais; “empanturrar-se”) “I used to pig out...
Across the board Across the board = applying to...
Wear one´s heart on one´s sleeve = to show one’s feelings openly (demonstrar os...
Escolhido a dedo – Hand-picked Mr. Wilson is very careful about the people...
a situation or problem that is very easy to deal with or solve; something...
Stand out to be noticeable (destacar-se, sobressair) Now that Jake has dyed his hair...